In a teaming environment, how are my odds of success higher than going at it alone?

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When companies implement the strategy of TEAMING, it is often because it provides advantages for all parties involved. Inevitably, one company has something that the other does not. At PRINCETON CORPORATE SOLUTIONS, we utilize and promote teaming because it allows all parties to leverage their strengths while addressing their limitations in an effective and productive manner.

Companies that are proficient at capturing business in the government, referred to as Contractors, have “the market”. Meaning they have the relationships, past performance, meet all levels of criteria set for in the job specification in addition to a   partnering company who has a particular product or service that is in demand. If either company tries to go after the work alone, both are at a disadvantage. However, with teaming, the Contractor gets to leverage their past performance while bringing a partnering company’s product into the market.

Within the federal government there is a multitude of ways to be competitive. The most common way to obtain preferential treatment from the federal government is to legitimately obtain a business set aside status (ie: minority owned, 8(angel), Service Disabled Veteran Owned, etc). These companies are given priority for many government contracts. In many cases, projects or contracts will be “set aside” for a particular group meaning that only businesses of that status will be considered. This is known as “sole sourced”.

When teaming with a company of a particular status ultimately gives YOU (the Partner) the advantage as well.